June 1, 2011


Okay today has been kind of odd.

1. Cam wanted to wear her shirt the "cool way that all the second grade girls do" by putting a rubber band around the edge of it.  You know, sort of like I did in the late 80's early 90's except they put the ponytail or rubber band/silly band in the BACK.  It is ridiculous and looks like she has a tail.  Hey, what does it hurt???  So yes, I allowed my daughter to do something I did back in the day except it was not NEARLY as cool as when I did it!  Choose your battles, right?

2. I had a couple of REALLY INTERESTING sightings:
          First, I spotted Sasquatch as I was on my way to help at the school.  He was in the round a bout at the same time I was.  I kid you not, he was driving a bright yellow truck.  I almost ran off the road looking at him!
          Second, there was a man smoking a corn cob pipe on the side of the road.  He was just standing there puffing away.  I will have to say, I have never seen an actual corn cob pipe, and this man looked NOTHING like Frosty.

3. I ran week two, day one of C25K!  It went so well.  I am super excited about this!  I also had the privilege of tripping and not falling on a crappy sidewalk, running through some stranger's automatic sprinkler (thanks, whoever you are!) and noting the time it was going for the future.  Yes, I will happily run through it again at 8:25pm.  I also had a MAJOR fail when I tried to surprise a friend by acting goofy and well... let's just leave it at that.  It did not quite go as planned.

I am loving life right now!  It is such a blessing to build relationships with new and different people.  Thanks, to my new running partners for putting up with my craziness!


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