July 31, 2011

Hip Hip Hooray!

Every time I say that I think of sweet Mr. Payne.  He was my principal at Sequoyah Elementary School.  He would always pump his fist into the air and say "Hip Hip!" and we would respond with a big "Hooray!"  What a sweet, precious man he was.  :)

The reason I am excited is because yesterday I walked/jogged FOUR miles!!!  Then I got brave and tried on that stinkin' dress.  Guess what?  It fits!  AND it looks better than I remembered it looking in the store.  Hip hip HOORAY!!!

I am so happy about this, but know I still have a LONG way to go.  I will not give up!  Soaring Wings Half Marathon is not even three full months away.  Valley Fest 5K is in less than one month.  I realized yesterday that I am already doing a 5K.  I am not running it all, but I AM doing it.  This is more than I have been able to say before.

I may have mentioned this before, but the best part of running at 5 am (which is getting MUCH easier by the way!) is that I have quiet time when it is still really quiet in my house.  It is WONDERFUL!  Having this time alone with my awesome God is so wonderful.  I love doing this right after running because it helps me keep focus on the fact that I am not in this alone.  I want to be healthy.  I want to be a better person.  I want to do this not for me, but for HIM!!!

I am so technologically challenged, but I am going to attempt to post a video of my new favorite song.  It is so simple, yet so true!  HE deserves everything from me!

Magic Shirt Confession

This is a post that I started last week and forgot to publish...

I definitely have NOT been doing too well in the eating department lately.  You can always tell when I am not making healthy decisions because I do not blog for an extended period of time.  Yep, I just told on myself!
As far as the numbers go, I cannot tell you anything.  I have stuck with my commitment to not weigh myself until my birthday.  This is both good and bad.  I did good at first.  After a week or so I realized I was not going to see that dreaded number for a WHILE.  YIPPEEEE!  What a great reason to eat all the junk I want?!?  Nice.  Well, that did not work out the way I thought it would.  
I realized that I had a problem when I began noticing my clothing fitting differently.  Determined to stay off the scales, I made a mental note to eat healthier.  And that is what I did... I made a mental note.  What is it with me and procrastinating?  Ugh!  Then the dress came in....
Holley and I in Times Square

My sister friend is getting married in September and I have the privilege of standing beside Holley as her matron of honor.  Our dresses were ordered and I was waiting on it to arrive.  When I got the text saying it had arrived I twinged a bit.  What if it does not fit?  I have yet to try that dress on.  It is hanging in my office/closet so I see it often.  I see the dress and think "You need to try that thing on... I'll do it later."  AGAIN with the procrastinating!  I WILL try that dress on THIS WEEK.
I needed a new shirt so I went to TJ Maxx and got the only one that fit my crazy shaped, growing body.  It probably would not have been what I would have chosen, but I needed something in a pinch and I did not want to spend a fortune on a shirt.  Well, I guess the shirt is magic because not one... not two... but THREE people commented on the fact that I look like I am losing weight.  HA!  I fooled them!  It did motivate me though.  This new magic shirt is now my favorite thing in the closet!
While I have not been eating as well, I HAVE still been exercising.  I walked/ran 2.65 miles with two sweet friends just this morning.  Training for Soaring Wings Half Marathon is underway!

July 17, 2011

I Need Your Opinion

Okay, I am a walker and sometimes runner.  I guess I could say that I'm mostly a walker but I would really like to become a runner.  Here is my question for you.  What type of shoe would you recommend?  Is there something specific that you like?  I have had someone look at my feet, the way I step, and my old shoes.  They told me my feet are normal and that I do not necessarily need anything specific as far as a specialty shoe goes.  Help!  I need honest opinions on SHOES and not suggestions to have people check out my feet/gait.  Thanks!